Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Automatic Surfing

Automatic surfing is a nice way of bringing some traffic to your website easily and free ofc check out some of those.Ill put some more when i come up in sometime just some of them to take a taste:d

Quad Hits

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nice Vid On Youtube Check It Out

Seo Traffic Software

Search engine optimization is such a highly-valued work for all affiliate marketers. Optimizing one's web site is very important for the site to get recognized by top search engines. SEO is not exclusive to big online entrepreneurs anymore because even small online businesses have realized they can be bigger if they give extra effort to optimize their site over the internet. This is the same with offline small businesses who have seen the potentials of having their own web site and be listed in online directories. They have started constructing their web sites and have their businesses listed in directories related to the nature of their businesses.

Online marketers strive to increase traffic through SEO so that their sites will be more visible on the top pages of search engine giants like Google, Yahoo or MSN. Small business owners also strive to do the same methods to land at these giant sites on the net. For a fact, any ordinary person nowadays has the access to the internet almost always relies on the net when they need information on companies or business establishments that may cater to their needs. For example, many housewives these days do internet shopping instead of going to the stores. If one is looking for certain products that she needs at home, researching via search engines is the most convenient way.

Thus, if your web site is listed on the first few pages, you have high chances of getting the attention of a possible customer. For this reason, many online marketers employ techniques to get better page rankings. As technology rises to new heights, you may opt to buy SEO traffic software. This type of software usually helps you transform your web page into a high optimized with more traffic coming your way. There are several methods in attracting traffic to your site. Some, though effective, can also be tiring when done manually. That is why there are tools like these to alleviate too much workload from online marketers and instead automate things for faster results.

Further, by having an SEO traffic software, you can be guaranteed to tap various ways of getting more traffic with just a few clicks. You won't really need to burn candle at night anymore just to regularly optimize your site. Don't think that it is too expensive. There is always an affordable SEO traffic software that would surely fit your budget. Imagine the time and effort that you will save if you have a quality SEO traffic software. With the demands of many online marketers and entrepreneurs, SEO traffic software is made affordable to cater to the increasing demands for faster search engine optimization.

Though you may just be operating a small business, do not miss the chance of getting your web site on the top pages of search engines. For all you know, your prospective customers are just there frolicking on the net and searching for products or services similar to yours. Even if your business is a small-scale one, do not underestimate its capacity to become a big. Sooner or later, all offline businesses will have the internet as their best medium to reach out to more customers. Thus, take the opportunity to be among the firsts.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

About Twitter

There is a lot of buzz about Twitter in these days. If you haven’t already, this is the right time to join Twitter, as it is set to be the next big social network community in 2009. The earlier you join and start building your profile and credibility, the easier it will be to use the growth of Twitter to increase your exposure in 2009.

What is Twitter?
Twitter is a social networking community and a new generation of instant messaging. It is all about sending short status updates called “tweets” of 140 characters or less. Twitterers
(people on Twitter) can “follow” each other, so people who follow you will see your tweets
and you will see tweets of people you follow.

Why is Twitter important for me?
Here are some very interesting facts about Twitter:

Twitter traffic has grown over 600% in 2008
Twitter became one of the top 1,000 websites by traffic in May 2008
Twitter is dominated by newer users, 70% of Twitter users joined in 2008
An estimated 5-10 thousand new accounts are opened each day
All these facts mean that Twitter is a growing platform where bloggers and business owners
can increase their site traffic and exposure by finding, getting in touch and providing value to
people interested in their content and services.

How to use Twitter?
Twitter is referred to as a micro-blogging platform because it allows users to send brief text
updates and in that way differs from a traditional blog. Twitter can be used as a networking
tool, it can be used to get in touch with different people, find information and trends, and it
can be used for marketing.
You have to sign up, customize your profile and start following people. If you are interesting
and you provide value in your tweets, people will follow you back. The more people that
follow you, the more exposure your tweets will get. That way your site gets more exposure
and hopefully more visitors, subscribers and customers.

What should I tweet about?
It is important to provide value to your followers in your tweets, so I try to do that by pointing
to interesting articles I’ve found online, and build credibility and influence that way. I
sometimes send tweets of personal nature, but the majority of my tweets are blog related. The
image on the front page of this ebook shows the words that I have used the most in my tweets
until now. You can make your own image at Wordle.
Twitter works very well with StumbleUpon. If you already spend time on StumbleUpon
finding and recommending quality information and articles, it will be easy for you to continue
this on Twitter. You will just have to take some time to update both your StumbleUpon and
your Twitter account for each of the links you want to recommend.
I also make sure to promote my latest blog articles on Twitter, but it is important not to be all
about promotion as that is seen as spammy, and will make it hard for you to get new
followers. Remember that everyone can see your tweet history at any point of time by visiting
your Twitter profile.

Making Money Writing Articles

Articles are a great way to make money online. If you are new to the internet, or a pro writing articles can be a great source of income.

There are actually several ways that writing articles can make you money. By submitting your articles to article directories, your articles can be used by webmasters who are looking for content to place on their websites.

The articles that you have submitted to article directories may also be read by people who find them while searching online. This could give your writing quite a bit of exposure.

You can use the articles that you write to generate free traffic to your website so that you can generate more sales. You can do this by placing a link to your website in your article or in your author bio.

You could also use your articles to create a website. If you create a website that consists of informative articles on a specific topic you can sell advertising on your website to related businesses. If you decide to create a website using your articles, you could also place Google Adsense ads on your website and get paid each time a visitor clicks on one of your Adsense ads.

You could turn your informative articles into your own ebook and sell them for a profit, or you could even turn your articles into an email course.

Some internet marketers write informative articles on topics related to an affiliate product. They then include a special affiliate link in their articles to the affiliate product that they are promoting. When a reader clicks on the link and purchases the product the author makes a commission.

When you are writing articles to make money, one important point to remember is that you will be much more successful if your articles are informative and give the reader valuable information. It's important to build trust with your reader and actually offer the reader something of value in your article.

If you can give the reader valuable information that is useful to them, then you will be building a trusting relationship with that reader. This way when you recommend a product or website, to your reader, they will be much more likely to follow your advice because you have already given them something of value and you have already initiated a trusting relationship with them.

One other point to remember when writing articles is to keep them short. People are bombarded with information every day. Very few people have the time or the interest in reading lengthy articles. If you can give your reader interesting and valuable information in 500 to 700 words, you will find your articles getting read and getting results.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nice Site With Free Seo Tools

Check out those free Seo Tools Nice Site!

Why Search Engine Optimisation is the Best Form of Advertising

We all know that done correctly advertising can be a good return on investment. However finding the best places to advertise that will bring in good returns can be difficult. What makes things more difficult is that it’s hard to track what is working and what is not in traditional advertising methods. The old saying “I know that half my advertising works but not sure which half” is a consistent problem for advertisers.

This is where search engine optimisation comes in. The first big advantage is that SEO can bring you targeted traffic to your business so the only people that see you listings are people who are actively looking for your products or services. This is just not possible in print advertising, television or radio.

The problem with traditional advertising is that if for example, you advertise on the radio a lot of your adverts will be heard by people and businesses that are not interested in what you’re offering. So this means some of your budget is wasted. In traditional advertising it’s mostly a numbers game. In the correct hands search engine optimisation can be a more powerful cost effective advertising tool.

Many people also think that SEO is expensive I think this is because they don’t really fully understand as they are fine to spend lots of money of print ads which sometimes don’t bring in as good a return on investment.

What SEO does is put your customers who are searching for products you offer directly in contact with your website. When we are looking online the first place we go is a search engine and if your business is not on that all important first page then you are loosing out to your competitors. Can you afford to do this? I think not.

Search engine optimisation is built on using the correct keyphrases that people type into the search engine that are related to your industry. A good SEO company can do all this for you. The other major advantage here is by using your server logs and Google analytics you can track your sales and see exactly where your advertising budget goes and how to improve it. A print ad just cannot give you this level of testing.

You really must think of search engine optimisation as advertising and I think that’s were the problem lies most business don’t see it as advertising but at the end of the day that’s exactly what search engine optimisation is and the end goals are the same.

Seo For A Newbie

I was reading this nice article yesterday check it out.

SEO is not an enigma.  Anyone can do Search Engine Optimization.  The key is understanding what google wants.

I am going to cut straight through the crap.  You don’t need some SEO expert at least initially to get ranked for long tail terms.

SEO is not some mysterious science that only a select few know and understand.  Sure.  When you get into advanced SEO techniques it can get kind of hairy, but for the most part it isn’t something anyone should be scared of.

There are only 2 types of SEO techniques that you need to be worried about.

Onpage Optimization

Offpage Optimization

The onpage stuff is primarily the things that YOU can have complete control over.

The offpage optimization is really, for the most part, out of your hands (that said, the pro marketers know how to manipulate these rankings. I will go more into this later).

Onpage Optimization Tips….

Onpage optimization is simply all the things that you can do directly to your site.  There are factors that will affect your onpage optimization. These include:

  • The title tag of your site
  • The meta tags of your site
  • The title tag of the actual page
  • The actual content of your site
  • H1, H2, H3 tags (content headers)
  • enboldened, underlined, and italicized text within your content.
  • You link structure with the appropriate anchor text.

This is for all sites: free or paid hosting, blog or static website platforms….it does not matter.  All things considered equal, your static website could outrank my blog or visa-versa depending on how well you can optimize your site.

To understand onpage optimization, we need to look to see what a google bot will see.

When a bot (or spider) enters your website, they will start at the top left hand side of your site and start to move down, from left to right.

Your job, as a webmaster is to give google as many clues as you can as to what your site is about.

My friend, Grizzly, said it best when he said that a google bot should know exactly what your site is about before it even reaches the content.

Of course there are variables to this.  Let look at this closer……

Let’s pretend that you have a hunting site.  Let’s say that you have managed to grab a link from a hunting site that links to you.  A web bot will travel to this hunting site, and move from the hunting site through a link to your site with the anchor text “hunting bows”.  This would be the bots first clue.

The bot would be coming from another site with the anchor text telling the bot that the sitemay be about “hunting bows”.
Now, that it arrives at your site, it will start at the top left and start searching trying to piece together exactly how to categorize your site.
It’s second clue could be the actual URL itself. That’s right. Forget what they tell you. If your primary keyword is in in the URL or better yet, is the URL, then your chances of ranking for that keyword is much better than say someone like me trying to rank high for the keyword internet marketing with

I know I am making this ultra simple but am doing this for simplicity’s sake.  Onpage Optimization is really as simple as that.  And really, when you think about it, it makes sense.

You see, Google is just trying to categorize your site.  In order to do this, it needs to know what your site is about and how relevant your site is according to your keywords and LSI keywords that surround it.

In other words, using “hunting bows”, as an example, google has come from a site that is relevant within the niche (which passes some authority that says hey google…this site is about this….).

It reaches your domain (which says hey google…this site is about this….)

It  goes through your title tag (which says hey google…this site is about this…)

It reaches your meta tag description (which says hey google…ect.ect.)

It hits your content header (the title tag of the post)….

At this point, it is likely that google has all the clues it needs to know what your site is about….

The icing on the cake is the content itself….

So google of course, complies and says…well, they say that your site must be about your keyword and therefore they categorize you.

You get placed in the proverbial ranking line for whatever keyword it has you categorized under.

If you were to just optimize this way and this way only, you would be far ahead of most of the websites out there.  Why?  because most websites don’t bother with onpage optimization.

Of course, getting ranked high is another story altogether…..more on that later….

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Various Blogging Tools

Check em out :

Statistics Packages and Metrics Tools

• Sitemeter
• Google Analytics
• My Blog Log
• WebAnalyse
• Performancing Metrics
• AWStats
• Mint
• Extreme
• Webalizer
• Stat Counter
• Measure Map
• Slim Stat

Blog Editor Tools

• Ecto for Mac and Windows
• Qumana
• BlogJet
• Zoundry
• w.bloggar
• Blog Desk
• Post2Blog
• Performancing for Firefox
• Mars Edit

News Aggregators and News Sourcing Tools

• Bloglines
• FeedDemon
• Technorati
• Google Reader
• Website Watcher
• BlogPulse
• Blogarithm
• Topix
• Blog Bridge
• Grazr
• Rojo
• Memeorandum
• NewsGator Online
• Net News Wire

Email Subscription Tools and Newsletter Services

• FeedBlitz
• Zookoda
• Aweber
• Yutter
• RssFwd
• Feedburner’s Email Subscription Service

Blog Poll Tools

• Blog
• Vizu
• Free Blog Poll
• Blog Poll
• Blog Flux Polls
• WP Polls

Other Blog Tools

• Pingoat – pinging service
• Pingomatic – another pinging service
• AudioBlogger – audio post to your blog via phone
• BlogRolling – a service to manage your blog roll
• Creative Commons – copyright protections service
• Feedburner – RSS tool that adds a variety of features to your blog’s RSS feed
• Picasa – find, edit and share all the pictures on your PC
• Flickr – Store and share your images - good way of hosting images if you don’t have a stand alone blog on your own domain.
• Flock – A browser that enables sharing and blogging from within it
• Copyscape – allows you to track down other sites that are stealing your content
• TalkDigger – ‘find, follow and join conversations evolving on the Internet.’
• Blog Flux – Stats, Pinging and Directory

• Backpack It – A place to organise your to do lists, notes, files, reminders and more - all online
• Basecamp – Like Backpack it (same people behind it) but great for collaboration on projects.
• Ice Rocket – Blog Search
• coComment – Keep track of the comments you leave on different blogs in a central place
• co.mments – Similar name to coComment but not to be confused with it - a way of bookmarking and following comment threads via RSS
• Gabbly – Add live chat to our blog posts (like real time comments combined with IRC)
• – Social Bookmarking site - good for sourcing stories but also great if you get linked to on it to get traffic
• Digg – Another major Social Bookmarking site
• Only Wire – a bookmarklet that submits posts to multiple social bookmarking sites at once
• Odeo – a tool for recording and sharing audio/podcasting
• TagCloud – produces Tag Clouds for your blog from RSS feeds
• Indie Karma – a micropayment system for bloggers
• Tiny URL – Turns long URLs into tiny manageable ones
• Swicki – a new type of search engine that harnesses the power of a web community - sort of like a search engine and wiki combined
Filmloop – photo sharing
• Stock.xchng – Free Stock Photos
• Favicon Maker – allows you to make a favicon from a photo
• YouTube – a tool for putting video on your blog
• – another video uploading tool

10 Most Downloaded Blog Tools At

Heres the list:

1.NewzCrawler 1.9.0 build 4100

How To Increase Sales

It is no secret that the internet is the easiest and most efficient tool that a business can use to make their products available to millions of potential customers around the world.  Every day business owners pour tremendous effort into their ventures and corresponding websites, but are disappointed by their web traffic and sales results.  What separates a successful internet business from a failing one?  The main answer is search engine optimization.  Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the process of directing quality traffic to your website through the use of search engines.  

Think back to the last time you typed a query into the Google search box; odds are, you did not sift through 20 pages of results before clicking on a page.  Most people will not go further than the first two pages after a search in order to find what they are looking for.  This is because the first results delivered are deemed to be more relevant and credible than those pushed further back.  Knowing this, it is obvious how important to your business it is to have your website optimized to show up on search engines- after all, what good is it to be in the market if nobody knows you exist?

There are several key components to successful SEO.  Fresh content ensures your page will stay bumped high on searches, compared with others that offer no incentive to move up in rankings.  Correctly implemented keyword density and placement on your website will direct searches towards you, and back links point people to your page from other sites in a permanently fixed location.  Careful meta-tag labeling will communicate to Google and other search engines that your website is most relevant to the organic search.  Various strategies can be employed to get your business the traffic it needs to increase your sales volume, and there is nobody better suited to do the job than experienced web optimization professionals such as Cybertrack Marketing.  Don't settle for just existing on the web; enlist the help of experts to thrive in 2009!

10 Ways To Build Seo

Organic Search results appear in the non-advertising areas of the search engine results page. This is the equivalent of FREE advertising, so search engine optimization (SEO) is a very important strategy for creating a successful web site. So, it is imperative that you create an effective SEO strategy to help your web site bring you new customers. Here are 10 ways to improve your search engine optimization strategy.

1. Keywords: Develop unique keywords and relevant titles for each of your web site pages and each article or blog you publish.

2. Content: The depth of research and development applied to your content strategy will be directly proportional to the quality and quantity of traffic you receive in organic search. "Content" includes the written word, applications, widgets, tools and other digital assets.

3. Copy writing: Adding one word or phrase in the right place can increase visibility for a particular keyword. Be careful in your approach, and consider the human element, no matter how tempting it is to over-tweak.

4. Permanent Links: Start the process of cataloging multiple redirects and campaign URL's and set up permanent redirects to make it easier for the engines to find the "real" URL.

5. Interlinking: Link to others web sites, have others link to yours. Writing useful articles that link back to your web site and getting others to use the articles on their home pages is one of the best strategies for improving your rankings in the search engines.

6. Feed submission: Determine which feeds are most relevant to your business (products, maps, etc.) and take steps to provide data to the engines. With placements like Google Maps, a feed could be a quick ticket to a No. 1, No. 2, or No. 3 natural ranking.

7. Title and Description: Create a succinct title and description, which along with your Keywords, is an important part of your meta strategy for SEO.

8. Linking Architecture: Search engines need a unique URL for each page to actually index each page separately. Using parameters like /ShowArticle.cfm?article_id=14 doesn't work. You could have a million articles linked like this, but the search engines wouldn't know it. But search engines do like /ShowArticle.cfm/14 - if your information architect designs your system in this way, you can be assured that every article or web page will be reviewed by the search engines - making sure each has a different title, keyword list and description will guarantee that the search engines actually index the articles and pages. This is the best strategy for getting search engines to crawl your site and index content.

9. Clean up broken links: Find and remove permanently broken internal links or set up properly configured 404 error page to improve crawling performance that lets engines know that the old link is history.

10. Make your pages smaller by removing common JavaScript and CSS code to external files. The files are then cached by the browser and your page loads quicker and the search engines can crawl your pages quicker and easier.

These are only a few of the many things you can do to help your SEO. They are free and if you can coordinate all of these things into your web site, they are also very effective.

Bonus Information!

For coders, these are some of the areas that must be taken into consideration:

*Meta Tags - though your title, keywords and description in your site's meta-tags may have been effective when you launched your site, this can change. Your meta-tags must be tested regularly - it is important to test and re-test your meta data.

*Content - like meta tags, your site content must be updated regularly and must reflect the meta data you are using. When it comes to search engine indexing, the continuity of your meta data and content are checked. Event the order in which your keywords are set and HTML like bold text can make your information easier for the search engine spiders to crawl.

*Links - building links on your site allows you to become more friendly on-line. By making friends virtually, you are increasing your popularity and reputation on-line. This interlinking is an effective strategy to promote your site - the more relevant your links are, the more powerful your web site becomes.

For marketers, this is the most powerful way to build traffic.

*In-Bound Links - Article marketing is one of the key ways to build in-bound links. Every site that posts one of your articles becomes a billboard pointing back to your web site. Imagine having an article on 1,000 web sites - that's 1,000 billboards pointing to your web site. Now imaging 100 articles on 1,000 web site pointing back to your web site - that is 100,000 billboards that make your site one of the highest ranked sites on the Internet.

When you implement these Strategies, you'll find two long-term benefits for your website:

1) This will boost your web site search engine rankings. 
2) This will attract quality traffic to your site.

Using Google Trends

  1. Using Google TrendsHave you ever used Google trends, if not you are missing a big resource that can be used for new post ideas, driving traffic and making extra money for a particular searched term from different search engines including Google and Yahoo with your blog. What we get from Google Trends:
    • A line graph showing search volume trend with different time frames for a search term
    • Top regions, cities and language for that search term
    • Latest news items about a searched terms on Google news
    • Top 100 hot searched terms which changes frequently (within few minutes time)
    • When we make search with a website URL, we get:
      1. Visitor traffic trend for that website
      2. Top region and sub region where the website is most searched
      3. Also visited websites list
      4. Also searched for Terms list
  2. Creating blogs: create a blog on Wordpress or blogger about the topics you are someway knowledgeable about and willing to blog about. If you find some hot topic in Google trend, you are passionate about, instantly start a blog about or around that topic.
  3. Creating content: With topic in mind to blog about, create some post for your blog of 200 to 400 words. And if you are not willing or don’t have time to write, take help from some professional content writer. And get some quality links for your blog from your own resources and fellow bloggers
  4. Drive traffic: now look for ways to bring some traffic to your blog. You can use social media websites like, propeller, Delicious, StumbleUpon or Yahoo buzz to bring traffic and index your content in search engines. Don’t forget to ping Pingomatic and Technorati whenever you add new content on your blog.
  5. Google Adsense: when you notice some decent traffic on your blog, look for ways to monetize it. And when we talk about blog monetization, the first thing that comes in my mind is Google Adsense. Adsense is a pay per click service offered by Google for website owners and bloggers where we get paid for every click that is made on an Adsense Ad on our blog or website. And the amount of money we will be able to make from Google Adsense depends on our blog niche. Google has lots of banners we can test on our blog and go ahead with the ad formats which perform best on your blog.
  6. Affiliate options: if you have a blog about particular niche, you should look at the option of making money in affiliate marketing arena as well. First of all check if there is some stuff related to your blog niche on Amazon and eBay. You can also try other affiliate channels like ClickBank, LinkShare, Commission Junction, Shareasale, etc.
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